All spark plugs are now out. The fourth and final one was a PAIN to get out but with some patience, penetrating oil and a johnson bar with a 1 in, 18 mm socket, I prevailed.
Now that the spark plugs are out I was able to get some lubricating fluids into each cylinder. I found a post on a forum I now follow ( that said a 1:1 ratio of transmission fluid and acetone works the best for unseizing engines. One bottle of nail polish remover (thanks Allison!) and an equal part ATF and I was good to go. I've heard that this process can take as little as a few hours (not in my case) or up to 1-2 weeks. I'm guessing more towards the latter end of this scale...We shall see.
One final thing to note. I went to my parents' tonight to help both my Dad and my Mom with 'computer troubles' (I am their pro bono tech guy. woot.) when my Dad hands me the registration papers for the bike! So cool! If (when!) I get this bike running it would be a lot more difficult to get it on the road without these papers. I'm so glad he kept them.